It is a never-ending search.
Even when the current residence is perfectly homely, the temptation to inspect neighbouring properties can prove hard to resist.
High ceilings, big open living spaces, a remote location and good security are essential for that ideal des res.
Thankfully, these house-hunters don’t have to worry about mortgage repayments or removal men - because they’re ants.
Scientists have found the insects continuously monitor surrounding real estate and will quickly up sticks and move if they find a more suitable home.
The Bristol University research also showed rock ants will spend more time looking for that perfect location if their current nest is in poor condition and does not satisfy their needs, with the thoroughness of their research putting many human house-buyers to shame.
Lead researcher Carolina Doran from Bristol University said: ‘This strategy of adjusting their information gathering according to their actual needs and the real value of higher rungs on the property ladder may help ants to evaluate their housing market in a measured and thorough way that puts many of us to shame.’
She added: ‘Previous research shows that ants will happily emigrate even if they don’t have to, if they find a nest that is nicer. The implication is that they are constantly monitoring their surrounding environment.
‘Our study proves this to be the case, but also finds that the worse the current state of their nest, the more energy they put into house-hunting for a prospective new home.
‘You can compare their behaviour to staying in a range of hotels. Guests can choose a 1-star hotel, which will provide basic accommodation such as a clean bed and dry roof, but no luxuries.
'So individuals are more likely to head out and look for somewhere better to stay. The same with ants.’
The research, published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters, examined 15 ant colonies collected from Dorset.
They found the creatures continuously scout their environment for available nest-sites even if their current one is intact.
When assessing potential homes the ants looked for an open living space that can comfortably accommodate the entire colony.
They also preferred good ceiling height, allowing them to stack their eggs, and a narrow entrance that is easier to defend.
Dark homes were also desirable, as it means there are no other entrances, which could leave the colony open to invasion.
Nests far from other ant colonies are favoured, a strategy that minimises the likelihood of disputes and increases the amount of food available through foraging.
‘The size of the nest they are looking for is directly linked to the size of the colony. The bigger the group, the bigger the desired home,’ said Miss Doran.
‘They also like a comfortable ceiling height so they can stack their eggs, although nothing too high which makes it feels cavernous.
‘Finally, there is a preference for small entrances, which makes the nest easier to guard. They prefer the dark, so no windows either.
And as they do not get along with other colonies, they prefer to have their nests away from other groups of ants.’
Previous studies on rock ants, which nest among the rocks on the southern coast of England, also revealed that the creatures value a second opinion.
When they do find a suitable nest they take a friend along with them to have a look at it.
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