Wednesday, April 29, 2009


”Divine Harmony and Peace Actuate Every Thought
and Action of My Being.”
I realize that all things are in Divine order for
me and mine. There can be no disturbance in
the world without or the world within my being
but that is in perfect harmony with the Infinite.
The circumstances outside of my life are all
for my good. My environment where I am now
and the conditions in which I am living, I make
harmonize for me by my attitude of mind. I think only peace, I breathe only love, I speak
only harmony. My conditions and my environment,
although outwardly inharmonious to
my likes and tendencies, are changed by the
alchemy of my thinking into a perfect symphony
of happiness for me now.
”Divine Harmony and Peace actuate every
thought and action of my being.” This thought
is energy, this thought is life, this thought is
power. The energy, life and power of this thought
weaves all of my diversified Life’s experiences
into a Divine pattern of perfection for me. There
can be no trouble, disappointments, sorrow, reverses,
loss or discord but that shall be changed
for my good when I think Spirit and live the
affirmation of today, namely, ”Divine Harmony
and Peace actuate every thought and action of
my being.” All things are in Divine order.
The Spirit of Divinity prompts my thinking.

The Divine within me actuates my actions. The
God Powers within, this minute are working all
things together for my good. There can be no
danger come nigh my dwelling for my body is
the temple of the living God. Therefore, the God
Spirit within me protects me from all harm, inspires
me to high ideals, lifts me to heights of
righteousness and fills my soul with love. Love
for my circumstances, love for my present conditions,
love for my environment, love for every
one in the world, love for all of the creation of
Therefore I have no enemies, for I love all.
I recognize no misfortunes, for the love energy
within turns all misfortunes and sorrows into
stepping stones for my greater advancement and
achievement. The God energy within transforms
all inharmonious conditions without into a perfect
harmony within. The Kingdom of God now reigns within me and I am at ease, at peace and
at-one-ment with all nature and God. The harmony
therefore within me in nature and in God
gives me perfect peace within and perfect peace
without. Divine thought and energy, love and
blessing actuate every action of my being.
Where Divine Love reigns there can be no
trouble, no discord, no inharmony, no lack, no
limitation, no sorrow, no grief, no sickness, no
failure. The energy of Divine Love transforms
all things into my Good. The Love and Peace
of the Father abideth within me and is manifested
without so that my life is one harmonious
whole touching the lives of all others who
come in contact with me so that they, too, feel
my vibrations of at-one-ment with the Father
and they in turn become harmonious and complete
in Spirit with man and God.
Divine Harmony and Peace actuate every thought and action of my being. All things are in Divine

Silence What It Is How to Use It
David V. Bush

Monday, April 27, 2009

Female Sterility

Sterility in case of the female refers to the incapacity to conceive and give birth to a living baby. Sterility or failure to reproduce must be distinguished from frigidity which denotes failure to perform the sex act or performing it imperfectly.
It may be relevant to first examine the mechanism of conception. The sperms of the male are injected into the vagina during sexual intercourse. At the very same time an alkaline fluid is secreted from the vaginal walls. The sperms are able to move up the womb and through the fallopian tubes to fertilise the ova or the female egg only when this fluid is present. Two factors are important in ensuring a normal secretion of this fluid. Firstly, there should be an adequate nerve supply to the vagina ducts. This is the reason why very nervous women fail to conceive. The nervous system in such cases must be strengthened by adequate rest, relaxation and a proper diet The second important factor is to ensure that the fluid flowing from the vaginal walls is alkaline. If this is not so, the sperms are destroyed by the acidic fluid, usually present in the vaginal canal and womb. To ensure the necessary alkalinity of the fluid, it is essential to take a predominantly alkaline diet, with a liberal intake of raw vegetables and fruits, and also to eliminate acid-forming foods.
Sterility in a female may be due to physical defects, physical debility and functional faults. Physical defects or structural abnormalities of the genitals and reproductive organs may be congenital or accidental and can result from malformation or sagging of the womb, collapse of the fallopian tubes and the rigidity of the hymen. Sterility due to physical debility can result from poor health as a consequence of certain acute or chronic diseases. These diseases may affect not only the physical body but also the genital organs. Complaints like gonorrhea, syphilis and inflammation of the fallopian tubes also come under this category. Chronic anaemia, constipation and leucorrhoea aggravate these conditions. Sterility may also be caused by loss of essential glands or organs of reproduction or a decrease in their functions, brought about by a variety of fators such as surgical injuries, tumour, excessive radiation and lack of normal menstrual cycle. Obesity or emaciation due either to dietetic errors or faulty metabolism are yet other factors which can contribute to female sterility.
Psychological factors like emotional stress, tension, mental depression, anxiety and fear may also result in psychosomatic sterility. This conditions generally temporary and can be corrected by psychotherapy.
Structural defects can be ascertained by a thorough physical examination and radiology and can be set right by surgery. Physical debility and the functional faults of organic nature can be cured by simple and effective methods of natural treatment. These methods include hygienic living, optimum nutrition and following all the laws of nature. Fasting is the best remedy for the treatment of disorders resulting from toxins in the system. A short fast of two or three days should be undertaken at regular intervals by women who are unable to bear children. The bowels should be cleansed by a warm water enema during the period of fasting and afterwards when necessary. This will have a beneficial effect not only on
the digestive system but also on the surrounding organs of the urinary and genital system. Diet is the most important factor in the treatment of sterility. It should consist of three basic health building food groups namely (i) seeds, nuts and grains, (ii) vegetables and (iii) fruits. These foods should be supplemented with milk, vegetable oils and honey. The best way to take milk is in its soured form, that is curd and cottage cheese. Each food group should roughly form
the bulk of one of three meals. About 70 to 80 per cent of the diet should consist of foods in their natural uncooked states, because cooking destroys much of the nutritional values of the most foods. Sprouting is an excellent way of consuming seeds, beans and grains in their raw form in the process of sprouting the nutritional value is multiplied, new vitamins are created and the protein quality is improved. The daily menu of a health-building and vitalising diet may be on the following lines :
Upon rising : A glass of lukewarm water with a juice of half a lemon and a spoonful of honey.
Breakfast : Fresh fruits like apple, orange, banana, grapes and grapefruit and a glass of milk.
Lunch: A bowl of steamed vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil or butter and salt, two or three whole wheat chappatis and a glass of buttermilk.
Mid-afternoon : A glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
Dinner : A large bowl of salad made up of fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, beetroots and onion, and sprouted moong or bengal gram.
Bed-time : A glass of milk or an apple.

Excessive fat, spicy foods,strong tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour, refined cereals, flesh foods , greasy or fried foods should all be avoided. Smoking or drinking , where habitual must be completely given up. Certain nutrients, especially vitamin C and E and zinc have been found helpful in some cases of sterility. The woman who is unable to conceive should take daily 1000 mg. of vitamin C, 100 I.U. of vitamin E and 30 mg. of zinc.
Certain remedies have also been found useful in the treatment of female sterility where there are no organic defects or congenital deformities. One such remedy is a tender roots of the banyan tree. These roots should be dried in the shade and finally powdered. This powder should be mixed five times their weight with milk and taken at night for three consecutive nights after the monthly periods are over. No other food should be taken with this. It shoud be repeated after the
completion of menstrual cycle every month till conception takes place. An infusion of the fresh tender leaves of jambul fruit (jamun) taken with honey or buttermilk, is an excellent remedy for stenility and miscarriage due to ovarian or endometrium functional disorders . The leaves presumably stimulate the secretion of progesterone hormone and help the absorption of vitamin E.
The eggplant is also useful in overcoming functional sterility. Cooked tender eggplants, should be eaten with butter-milk everyday for a month or two for this purpose. It increases the capacity to absorb vitamin E and stimulate the secretion of progesterone. Other helpful measures in overcoming female sterility are mud packs and cold water treatment like a hip bath and a wet girdle-pack.

These treatments will greatly improve internal circulation in the genital organs and will relieve them of all kinds of inflammation and other abnormalities. Mud
packs may be applied to the abdomen and sexual organs. For a hip bath, a common tub may be used. The tub may be filled with sufficient water to cover
the hips, when a person sits inside it. The cold hip bath should be taken for 10 minutes at a water temperature of 50 O to 65 o F. For wet girdle pack, a thin underwear wrung in cold water should be worn. Over this, a thick dry cotton or woolen underwear should be worn . All cold treatments should be suspended during menstruation. Certain yogasanas which help tone up the gonads should be practised regularly for overcoming female sterility. These asanas are sarvagasana, matyasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, paschimottanasana, and shalabhasana. All these practices together with clean habits, proper rest and relaxation will go a long way in overcoming female sterility.

A Complete Handbook of Nature Cure

Saturday, April 25, 2009

For Overseas Indians

Who is an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)?
A foreign national, who was eligible to become a citizen of India on 26.01.1950 or was a citizen of India on or at any time after 26.01.1950 or belonged to a territory that became part of India after 15.08.1947 and his/her children and grand children, is eligible for registration as an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI). Minor children of such person are also eligible for OCI. However, if the applicant had ever been a citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh he/she will not be eligible for OCI.
Who is a Non Resident Indian?
Section 2 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) deals with various definitions. It defines a person resident in India and a person resident outside India. However, it does not define the term non-resident nor it does define the term Non Resident Indian(NRI). However, Notification No. 5/2000-RB (dealing with various kinds of Bank Accounts) defines the term Non Resident Indian (NRI) to mean a person resident outside India who is either a citizen of India or is a person of Indian origin. In short, the definition of the term NRI is contextual and can have slightly different connotations for FEMA/Income Tax/Acquisition of Immovable Property etc.
Who is a person resident in India?
Under the FEMA, a person resident in India means a person residing in India for more than 182 days during the course of the preceding financial year and who has come to or stays in India either for taking up employment, carrying on business or vocation in India or for any other purpose, that would indicate his intention to stay in India for an uncertain period. In other words, to be treated as .a person resident in India. under FEMA a person has not only to satisfy the condition of the per iod of stay (being more than 182 days during the course of the preceding financial year) but has to comply with the condition of purpose/ intention of stay.(For details see FEMA, 1999).

Who is a Person of Indian Origin (PIO)?
1. For the purposes of availing of the facilities of opening and maintenance of
bank accounts and investments in shares/securities in India;
Person of Indian Origin means any person: a) who at any time, held an Indian passport; or b) he/she or either of his/her parents or his/her grandparents was a citizen of India by virtue of the Constitution of India or the Citizenship Act, 1955(57 of 1955) or c) the person is a spouse of an Indian citizen or a person referred to in clause (a) or (b) above.
2. For investment in immovable properties;
Person of Indian Origin means an individual (not being a citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh or Afghanistan or Bhutan or Sri Lanka or Nepal or China or Iran):
a) who at any time, held an Indian passport or b) who or either of whose father or whose grandfather was a citizen of India by virtue of the Constitution of India or the Citizenship Act, 1955(57 of 1955)
3. For the purpose of PIO card scheme;
A foreign citizen if he/she at any time held an Indian Passport; or he/she or either of his/her parents or grand parents or great grand parents was born in and permanently resident in India as defined in the Government of India Act,1935 or his/her spouse (for details, see Chapter 5 on PIOs).
What is an Overseas Corporate Body (OCB)?
Prior to deletion of OCB as a class of investors with effect from September 16, 2003 the term .Overseas Corporate Body. was defined as a company, partnership firm, society and other corporate body wholly owned, directly or indirectly, to the extent of at least sixty percent by Non-Resident Indians and included overseas trusts in which not less than sixty percent beneficial interest is held by Non-Resident Indians, directly or indirectly but irrevocably.
However, OCBs which had prior to September, 16, 2003 availed of investment facilities under various schemes have general permission to continue to hold/transfer/gift (to Non Resident Indians/Residents in India) their existing investments in shares/convertible debentures/securities of Indian companies.
Indian companies can allot bonus shares accruing to the OCBs. Those which are incorporated in the host country and are not under adverse notice of RBI may be considered, for undertaking fresh investments, as incorporated non-resident entities by RBI/Government on case by case basis.
NRIs/PIOs are permitted to open bank accounts in India out of funds remitted from abroad, foreign exchange brought in from abroad or out of funds legitimately due to them in India.
Such accounts can be opened with banks specially authorised by the Reserve Bank in this behalf
[Authorised Dealers].
There are three types of Non-Resident accounts:
1) Non- Resident (External) Rupee Accounts (NRE Accounts)
NRIs and PIOs are eligible to open NRE Accounts. These are rupee denominated accounts. Accounts can be in the form of savings, current, recurring or fixed deposit accounts. Accounts can be opened by remittance of funds in free foreign exchange. Foreign exchange brought in legally, repatriable incomes of the account holder, etc. can be credited to the account. Joint operation with other NRIs/PIOs is permitted.
Power of attorney can be granted to residents for operation of accounts for limited purposes.
The deposits can be used for all legitimate purposes. The balance in the account is freely repatriable.
Interest lying to the credit of NRE accounts is exempt from tax in the hands of the NRI.
Funds held in NRE accounts may be freely transferred to Foreign Currency Non Resident (FCNR) accounts of the same account holder. Likewise, funds held in FCNR accounts may be transferred to NRE accounts of the same account holder.
2) Ordinary Non-Resident Account (NRO Accounts )
These are Rupee dominated non-repatriable accounts and can be in the form of savings, current, recurring or fixed deposits. These accounts can be opened jointly with residents in India. When an Indian National /PIO resident in India leaves for taking up employment etc. outside the country, other than Nepal or Bhutan, his bank account in India gets designated as NRO account.
The deposits can be used to make all legitimate payments in rupees. Interest income from NRO accounts is taxable. Interest income, net of taxes is repatriable. Authorised dealers may allow remittances upto US $ 1 million, per calendar year, out of balances held in NRO account for any bonafide purpose.
3) Foreign Currency Non Resident (Bank) Accounts (FCNR (B) Accounts)
NRIs/PIOs are permitted to open such accounts in US dollars, Sterling Pounds, Japanese Yen, Euro, Canadian Dollars and Australian Dollars. The accounts may be opened in the form of term deposit for any of the three maturity periods viz; (a) one year and above but less then two years (b) two years and above but less then three years and (c) three years only. Now RBI has allowed banks to accept FCNR (B) deposits upto maximum maturity period of five years.
Interest income is tax free in the hands of the NRI until he maintains a non-resident status or a resident but not ordinarily resident status under the Indian tax laws.
FCNR (B) accounts can also be utilised for local disbursement including payment for exports from India, repatriation of funds abroad and for making investments in India, as per foreign investment guidelines.

Handbook for Overseas Indians
Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs

Friday, April 24, 2009


1 Fear of retribution
Following out of fear is not so much following
as being tugged along at the end of a rope.

2 Blind hope
Here, the follower is desperate for some
solution, and what the leader is offering is
either the only option they see or the best of a
relatively weak set of choices.

3 Faith in leader
In this situation, the follower is blind to the
solution but is following because they have
such faith in the leader, they believe that they
will, by some magic or genius.

4 Intellectual agreement
Here, the follower understands the logic of the
argument that the leader is putting forward
and hence is following the rationale rather
than the leader as a person, who they may
respect but are not blindly following.

5 Buying the vision
When people buy a vision, they are
emotionally closing on a view of the future
that is appealing to them in some way and
pulls them forward.

6 Followers and Respect
When a person is evaluating a situation and
deciding whether to collaborate (and hence
become a follower), they judge both the leader4 Intellectual agreement
Here, the follower understands the logic of the
argument that the leader and also the solution the leader is offering to
determine what action they will take.

7 Respect for the leader
When the leader is respected, which means they
are at the very least trusted and probably liked
as well, then this enables the leader to make
proposals that followers will take seriously.

8 Respect for the solution
When the solution is respected, then the respect
for the leader is not as important, although if
the leader is not respected then the followers
may doubt the ability of the leader to make the
right choices along the way.

9 Followers and Trust
People follow those they trust.

10 Care and concern
We all have a very basic need for safety, which
we can get either by taking control ourselves,
or, as followers do, ceding this to our leaders.

11 Passive concern
Leaders make choices that can harm people. If
you carefully avoid harming me, then I can
trust you.

12 Active care
Beyond a passive concern is the active care
where you may take deliberate action, which
you would not otherwise take, to look after and
actively care for me.

13 Reliability
Leaders need for their followers to trust that
they will do as they say they will do.

14 Keep your promises
A simple rule for leaders is : 'Do what you say'.
Keep your promises.

15 Honesty
The problem with honesty is that the short term
implications can be bad for leaders.

16 Tell the whole truth
If you always tell the truth, including the
unvarnished whole truth and bad news that
others might hide, then I know that when you
say something, I have the complete story.

17 Followers and Liking
If I do not like you, then I will not follow you.

18 Goodness
If I judge you to be good, then I know you have
similar values to me.

19 Similarity
We use external similarity as a short-cut to
determine if a person is like us on the inside.

20 Vulnerability
We see ourselves as vulnerable, often with the
sense of being a child that we all have to some
degree. We see our failings, our limitations,
and weaknesses.

Gregory Bodenhamer Ph.D
Powerful Human Development

Monday, April 20, 2009

Chanakya quotes

A person should not be too honest.
Straight trees are cut first
and Honest people are screwed first."

"Even if a snake is not poisonous,
it should pretend to be venomous."

"The biggest guru-mantra is: Never share your secrets with anybody. If you cannot
keep secret with you , do not expect that other will keep it. ! It will destroy

"There is some self-interest behind every friendship.
There is no Friendship without self-interests.
This is a bitter truth."

"Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing
it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply
and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead."

"As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it."

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Some Quotes 2






Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lace Your Shoes for a Better Fit

1.Problem: Slipping heel
Solution: Create lace lock

Use one lace ,thread in a criss-cross pattern. Stop at second last eyelet. Thread each end into top eyelet on same side, making two loops. Pull each end right through loop on opposing side; tie double knot.

2.Problem: Narrow heel
Solution: Two short laces

Use one lace. Lace bottom half of your shoe in a crisscross pattern, ending at the toe; tie. Thread a second lace in a criss –cross pattern on the top half , starting in the middle; tie double knot.

3.Problem: Narrow foot
Solution: Lock laces halfway

Use one lace. Thread in a crisscross pattern. Stop midway. Thread each lace through next eyelet on same side ,making two loops. Pull each end through loop on opposing side. Continue criss-cross ; tie.

4.Problem: High arch
Solution: Create an “S”

Use one lace. Start at the bottom and thread through two eyelets on same side. Cross over and repeat on other side. Continue to top. Repeat with a second lace on other side ; tie double knot.

5.Problem: Toe pain
Solution: Elevate the laces

Use one lace. Thread from top right-hand eyelet straight to bottom left. Leave enough lace to tie at top. Criss-cross from the bottom back up to the top. Repeat with a second lace on other side ; tie double knot.

6.Problem: Pain on top of foot
Solution: leave a space

Use one lace. Thread the bottom three eyelets in a criss-cross pattern. Then thread each lace straight up through the eyelets until you reach the top two eyelets.Criss-cross once more; tie double knot.


Monday, April 13, 2009


ARE YOU AN AQUAHOLIC? If you drink over five litres of water a day and feel irritable when you can’t get a glass of H2O , you may have a problem.

“Aquaholics do exist,” says Catherine Collins of the British Dietetic Association. “There’s very real psychiatric condition called psychogenic polydipsia. For most , it’s sparked when a lifestyle change like cutting out caffeine is made. Typically ,someone will up their intake of water in the belief that they’re “cleansing” their body .with time ,an obsession with drinking water to “purify” or offset hunger creates potential for harm,especially if combined with a low-salt diet and excessive exercise.”

But surely you can’t drink too much water? You can . “Overhydration coupled with a low salt diet can gradually deplete blood salt levels, initially causing fatique”, explains Collins . “But eventually low salt levels will impair normal cell function causing confusion disorientation and even coma”.

Aim to drink around two litres daily ,she advises. “This could be via water,coffee,tea,juice or soup. The goal is to pass a pale green or yellow urine three or four times a day. If you’re going to the toilet every hour you’re probably drinking too much.”

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Some Quotes 1






Saturday, April 11, 2009


LORD GANESHJEE’S BIG HEAD inspires us to think big and think profitably.

THE BIG EARS prompt us to listen patiently to new ideas and suggestions.

THE NARROW EYES point to deep concentration needed to finish tasks in hand well and quickly.

THE LONG NOSE tells us to poke around inquisitively to learn more and THE SMALL MOUTH reminds us to speak less and listen more.


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