Monday, April 19, 2010

I accidently posted for the 7 common mistakes to getting pregnant

1.      Did you know that something as simple as using the wrong lubrication when you have sex can spoil your chances of getting pregnant? In fact, I thought a little lubrication would actually help, to you know, move things along;) Well, it turns out, most store-bought lubricants will damage the sperm and so they are strictly forbidden! The same goes for vaseline or KY jelly. Luckily, there are a couple of things you can use as a substitute. One, is a product called Pre-Seed, which is specifically designed not to be harmful to sperm. If you can't find it, drop me an e-mail and I'll let you know where you can get it. The other alternative is eggwhites. Yup, as in real eggs! You just leave one out for a while (they're much too cold, straight from the fridge), and then you crack it open and use the eggwhite (not the yolk) in place of lubrication. Believe it or not, eggwhites are extremely sperm friendly!! 

2.       many couples are under the mistaken impression that it is helpful to avoid sex during the month except for the time around when you are ovulating. This comes from the idea that if you "save up" the sperm, they will be more plentiful when you need them! Turns out, this is a very big mistake. It's true, if you save up the sperm, you might actually have more when your fertile time of the month comes, but there's one big problem. Most of these sperm will be tired, and sluggish, and unable to fertilize your egg. In order to have the best chance of conception, 
it is necessary to keep the sperm supply fresh! That means your partner should be ejaculating at least every 5 days throughout the month. Of course this does not apply to when you are approaching your fertile time (ovulation), when 
every 5 days is definitely not enough. 
3.       For now, I'm going to talk about one that you need to avoid, as it can actually ruin your chances of getting pregnant if you take the wrong dosage. What am I talking about? I'm talking about Vitamin C. Here's the deal.. Taking some vitamin C is actually a great idea, because vitamin C (in small doses) can do something wonderful to increase your fertility. It actually improves your cervical fluid. You may know that the cervical fluid is crucial for transporting the sperm to your cervix and on to your uterus, where it will eventually meet up with your egg. 
Without good quality cervical fluid, the sperm just doesn't have a chance of surviving for very long. But here's the catch...Too much vitamin C can have the opposite effect. Yeah, that's right...too much can cause your cervical fluid to dry up, and that can just about ruin your chance of ever getting pregnant. So you must be extremely careful to avoid 
getting megadoses of Vitamin C (especially during cold and flu season where we're often advised to load up on vitamin C). 
4.       About stress. This is sometimes a delicate topic among couples trying to get pregnant. People are always saying...."just relax, and it'll happen." Sheesh, don't they know that just causes even more stress!! If you could just get pregnant, you wouldn't be so stressed, yet being stressed might be keeping you from getting pregnant. Talk about a catch-22! In any event, I am not going to tell you, "hey, just relax", but I will point out that there are increasing reports of the link between stress and fertility. In some recent studies, women exposed to "laughter therapy" actually had greater pregnancy rates than those who did not participate. And the best news is, it doesn't take much. Even just 15 minutes a day. So instead of trying to force yourself into relaxing, try something that might make you 
laugh...maybe visit a comedy club, or even watch or rent some of your favorite comedies and see if it doesn't make a difference! 
5.       food you should be avoiding when trying to get pregnant. This is a food that some pregnant women know to avoid, but not many women who are trying to get pregnant know about. What am I referring to? FISH No, not just any fish, but fish that is high in mercury. Avoiding fish 
high in mercury won't actually help you get pregnant, but you really need to know about this information if you're trying to get pregnant. Here's why. When you conceive, and then find out you're pregnant about 2 weeks later, the baby has already been exposed to everything you have put in your body during those last two weeks. Now hopefully, you have 
cut out most of the obvious things that would be harmful to the baby, but you might not have thought about fish. Mercury can get stored up in your bloodstream from too much consumption, and then passed on to the developing baby. Too much mercury can effect the nervous system of an unborn baby. One fish that many people eat quite frequently is "white" tuna fish in the can. This can have high levels of toxic mercury in it and should be eaten only in small quantities. And you should completely avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tile fish (also called golden or white snapper), tuna steaks (fresh or frozen), orange roughy, Spanish mackerel, marlin, and grouper because these fish contain the highest levels of mercury. However, it would be wrong to think it's best to just avoid fish altogether, as fish is loaded with protein, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids -- all of which are an important part of a healthy diet. There are plenty of other varieties -- salmon, rainbow trout, and canned mackerel, for instance -- that contain low levels of mercury and are high in healthy fats. 
6.       You may have heard, there has been an ongoing debate about whether drinking coffee (or other caffeine beverages) can cause a delay in getting pregnant. Studies have been done and the research is mixed--some conclude yes, others conclude no. Some studies now suggest that even one cup of coffee per day can reduce a woman's chances of getting pregnant within a 12-month period by more than 50%. Three cups a day, and the odds drop by more than 175%. Although the caffeine debate is far from settled, Dr. Mark Leondires, M.D., Medical Director at Reproductive Medicine Associates of CT, encourages patients to stay on the 
safe side and avoid caffeinated beverages while trying to get pregnant. I'd say that is excellent advice. If you are trying to get pregnant faster, or it has been taking longer than you had hoped, don't you think it's best to err on the safe side? If you're feeling depressed about the thought of giving up your morning "fix", you should know there are some other beverages that can be a worthwhile substitute, as they actually enhance your fertility. 
7.       When trying to get pregnant it's very important to eliminate as many medications from your routine as possible. Talk with your physician about your prescription medications. You may need to discontinue use or try something new. Male fertility factors contribute to approximately 40% of all infertility cases. Getting pregnant is not just a woman's problem! One medication that has been known to impact male fertility is Tagamet - used to treat ulcers, gastrointestinal problems, and urinary tract infections. This medication can have a harmful effect on sperm production and sperm count. Throw it out!! (Or at least hide it for the time being).

1 comment:

  1. An easy way to estimate your mercury exposure from eating fish is to check out the free online mercury calculator at Based on the current U.S. EPA and FDA guidelines, the mercury calculator is an excellent way to know your potential mercury exposure risk.



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